The Vampire Diaries' Jasmine Guy and Katerina Graham Discuss Spoilers, Dance and Prince Proteges

Katerina, as you noted, you both are dancers. Have you guys practiced similar styles of dance?

KG: Yeah, I think. Jazz, yeah? Modern.

JG: She's been classically trained and has performed as a dancer, and knows the rigor and the beatdown that goes with being a dancer. I think it makes for tougher cookies.

KG: Ohh. I miss the cattle calls!

JG: It's very difficult, a hard life.

KG: A very hard life. It's a long, long hustle, a long road. And not sometimes a clean one.

Onto my personal agenda, and Katerina, you could jump in on this: We tried casting the upcoming Soul Train movie a couple months ago, and Jasmine, I'd like to know if you're willing to play Vanity, the Prince protege.

JG: Yeah! I'd love to play Vanity. Shoot, I remember them and Apollonia.

KG: Oh yeah. I love them! Can I come along?

JG: They should all play themselves, though, right?

No, I think I like Jasmine Guy as Vanity more than Vanity as Vanity.

JG: [Laughs] I have great memories. I just thought of The Last Dragon with Taimak.

KG: I remember that movie!

JG: You must've been in the second grade.

KG: I saw it recently. I saw it last year, I think.

JG: Oh, OK. I was like, you weren't here when that came out!

Katerina, the show is about to go on a hiatus until mid-January. Can you string viewers along with some titillating hints about where the show's going?

KG: Anything you can possibly think of? It's happening. All of the storylines that the fans are questioning about is looking like it might happen. Just have to watch and see. It gets better every single week, there's another cliffhanger, and another. There might be another person being cast that really helps evolve the whole witch story. I will say that.

JG: Mmm. Aha!

KG: I said there might be!

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  • HwoodHills says:

    Taking bets on the name!
    Based on her description:
    "it’s a cool name, I like the name. I’m not going to give it away. It’s one of those names that go to women on the cool side"
    I'm going with either:
    Starfuq (2-1)
    kArdashian (1-1)

  • Old No.7 says:

    "There might be another person being cast that really helps evolve the whole witch story"
    Lisa Bonet, line 1..

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  • Teniba says:

    i know she is young and all that but how can KG not mention Jasmine Guy's Whitley Gilbert... I know people her age who know who Whitley-Gilbert wayne is... and to compare her with janet jackson... that's crazy proposition, even Jasmine wouldn't dare accept such a compliment...

  • Rattling nice pattern and excellent written content , nothing else we want : D.

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