10 Incredible Sesame Street Songs for its 40th Anniversary

Sesame Street turns 40 this month, which means a number of things: 1) Google has already rendered an adorable Google Doodle; 2) Oh my God, Bob McGrath is close to 80 years old; 3) Oh my God, Big Bird is still 6 years old; 4) There is still no comprehensive Sesame Street songs compendium! Movieline can't quite do the show justice within the space of a single entry, but here are 10 songs that make Sesame Street more than a show about street-urchin puppets and their antics at the hardware store.

1. "Sing"

Before the Carpenters turned it into a #1 hit, "Sing" was an unofficial Sesame Street anthem, sung in a myriad of episodes -- and sometimes in different languages. This version featuring Bob (Bob McGrath) and Luis (Emilio Delgado) is the ne plus ultra within Sesame Street's vast playlist.

2. "The Echo Song"

Is there any doubt that Grover is the greatest Sesame Street creation ever? Naturally the producers paired him with the finest comic actress of her generation, Madeline Kahn. This video (and song) nearly transcend opinion; it's timeless, adorable, and an unassuming showcase for Kahn's stellar voice.

3. "Elmo's Song"

We can debate whether Elmo's juggernaut popularity was warranted, but the furry red rascal scored a handful of cute points with this jam. Also: Are Big Bird and Snuffy mocking him? Win.

4. "Rubber Duckie"

The ultimate Sesame Street jukebox hit, "Rubber Duckie" reached #16 on the Billboard Hot 100 in September 1970. Ernie's ho-hum balladeer skills predate Jason Mraz and Norah Jones by over 30 years. I'm not holding it against him.

5. "Breakfast Time"

I don't know what you misunderstood, Ernie, but Cookie Monster will not be having your three-cheese omelet and pomegranate juice for breakfast. Knowing Bert, he was probably rolling his eyes in back and already throwing some Milanos in the juicer. Thank God for propriety.

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