Are Jackman-Jilted Oscars Leaning Toward Multiple Hosts?


While lauding the Hollywood Foreign Press Association for its coup-like recruitment of Ricky Gervais to host the upcoming Golden Globes, the LAT's Patrick Goldstein buried a response from Academy president Tom Sherak halfway down the piece. In doing so, he smothered a pair of delicious rumors about the Oscars' own potential hosting strategy. Let's exhume them!

Goldstein doesn't go out on much of a limb suggesting Hugh Jackman as a "no-go" for the 82nd annual ceremony; since Bill Mechanic and Adam Shankman were announced last week as that telecast's producers, the odds of an already-unlikely Jackman encore have slimmed to nearly invisible levels. Yet while passing along Sherak's deferral of this year's host-hiring duties to the new producers, Goldstein attributes to "sources" the rumor that "Oscar producers are leaning toward a multiple-host format, which would team a pair of hosts who would have different strengths and a different generational appeal. The rough plan would be to look for hosts who have a strong comedy background as well as Hollywood credibility."

Again, merely gossip. Nevertheless, it's a possibility Movieline accounted for last month in our own Oscar-host racing sheet, and with the deadline fast approaching -- and actual producers installed in actual power -- it sounds as credible an option as any proposed to date. Honestly, I'd just give it to Tyler Perry and Madea Simmons and watch the ratings soar (What? I mean it, and stop calling Perry an outsider, already -- his name's on this year's Best Picture front-runner), but I don't get a vote. Call your shots below.

· The Golden Globes steal the Oscars' thunder [LAT]


  • Such an impossible task, Oscar hosting is.
    Sorry for the Yoda speak.
    Crystal won't come back, I'm guessing. That's a shame, since he's the only one who really nailed it in recent years.
    It doesn't speak well of Hollywood circa 2009 that it can't produce one person who's an obvious slam dunk for the assignment.

  • SaltySue says:

    I would love to see Robin Williams host. Someone one another website said they the Academy wouldn't want him to do it since he'd be too unrestrained, but hello, that is exactly what the Oscars need now.