A Tribute to Miley Cyrus's Fallen Twitter


As well all know, Twitter is kind of like a brightly lit dance floor: It might seem fun to use it at first, but stay on it long enough and you are bound to embarrass yourself. Few Twitter-adept celebrities seem to have learned that lesson, because while there's a certain thrill to removing a publicist middleman and getting a star's uncensored thoughts, it's counterbalanced somewhat by discovering that John Cusack can't spell or that the Kleenex Eli Roth is showing you in a TwitPic was not used for sneezing.

Still, this is a dark day, because the absolute wrong celebrity has decided to leave Twitter. Miley Cyrus, what have you done?

The Hannah Montana star yanked her Twitter virtually without warning this week when she mentioned that her The Last Song costar (and rumored flame) Liam Hemsworth not only didn't have his own Twitter, but didn't think she should have a Twitter, either. I would link to the Tweet in which she announced this, but it is gone, like them all.

And that is a sad thing, actually! Too often, Twitter allows us to peer into the abyss of celebrity only to find an abyss peering back at us, but Cyrus's Twitter was weirdly ingratiating. It's sort of startling how normal her Tweets were -- there was no publicist deleting the emo, teen angst tweets, and no apoplectic Disney executive to keep her from Tweeting her support of gay marriage. Instead, Cyrus came off like a regular teen girl, and that's probably the last thing anyone would suspect of her.

Also, Cyrus also proved herself to be a good speller, a shocking rarity considering that she is a) a celebrity, and b) a homeschooled celebrity. Basically, she was the only famous person who actually came out better after reading her Twitter, and she was a constant source of bright, plucky entries on Movieline's Twitter Dispatches feed. Dark day, people. Dark day. And yes, I'll go register myself with Chris Hansen right now.


  • SunnydaZe says:


  • Old No.7 says:


  • MileyFreak says:

    Miley comeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee back we miss you

  • Colander says:

    I agree with the dismay. Essentially, this guy just doesn't want her tweeting about him, I guess. I'm sure immediately changing yourself for a dude will have no consequences. Carry on, Miley.

  • Margaret says:

    Since when did homeschooling equate with stupidity. My daughter is homeschooled and she will be off to either Oxford or the University of Edinburgh when she makes her choice. Those are of the world's top rated universities.

  • SunnydaZe says:

    No they aint.

  • Colander says:

    Um...we're talking about American children.

  • Mileyfan40 says:


  • The Winchester says:

    She may have passed spellcheck, but she still doesn't know the difference between "should of" and "should've". Teen girl, indeed.

  • Will my tears ever cease?

  • Well, most child stars who receive homeschooling only do so for appearance's sake. Most of this "education" is lacking in both quality and quantity, and these spoiled stars don't take things seriously because they figure there's always that acting career to keep things flush. Hence the fact that Miley's relative intelligence is a startling phenomenon.

  • SunnydaZe says:

    You're Australian, aren't you?

  • Mileyfan says:

    Miley. We know when you've been sleeping, we know when you're awake. We know if you're being bad or good, so be good for goodness sakes!...hmm, maybe Miley quitting twitter was a good idea.
    Maybe this will give her more time to look at her investments, since, right now, all her expenses are paid for by her record label, her studio, her television show, her publisher, her clothing line, her tour, or her rich parents! Miley Rocks!!!

  • John says:

    Sometimes I just assume people know that non-celebrity home schoolers outperform public school kid's academically, across the board. I have no information on celebrity home schoolers, though. I admit many actors often seem dumb. Perhaps Miley has avoided this because 1) She's a musician, too. 2) As a young child, she was small for her age. Small children are often 'smarter' as they perforce have to be aware of other kids around them. Big kids don't worry about it. 3) She is a comedian. Frankly, she's often funnier than Jay Leno's