Which Hot Hollywood Script Did Sarah Paulson Throw Across the Room in Disgust?


Presumably, there are only so many scripts making the rounds that a "humongous famous actor" and "the most famous director ever" are currently attached to (or at least circling). That said, suggestions are welcome as to which high-profile project disgusted actress Sarah Paulson so much that she not only threw its "terrible" screenplay across the room, but also felt compelled to go semi-public with her disapproval.

The mystery script first made Paulson's Twitter feed a few weeks ago: "Just read a script for a movie that everyone says is so amazing..." the former Studio 60 and Cupid actress wrote Sept. 22. "I thought it was so bad I just threw it across the room..." Strong words, particularly from a woman who was in The Spirit. Paulson explained further this week -- but not that much further -- when she was interviewed ahead of the opening of her new play Still Life:

I can't tell you! All I can tell you is it's, like, a humongous famous actor and, like, the most famous director ever. It was like this movie is like the hottest movie and I literally threw it across the room -- like, This is terrible. The state of the business right now, it's like some of the most famous actors in the world are taking parts that normally people like me could get, but now I can't get them because really famous people want them because they're not making as many movies. So when the script turns around, everyone gets all excited, and I was like, "Wow, they can have it. This thing sucks."

Wow. Harvey is that bad, huh? Of course, we'd be happy to have the wrong guess -- anyone else have any ideas?

· Still Life's Sarah Paulson on How She Beat Stage Fright [Vulture]


  • Dimo says:

    Sounds like Davis Koepp wrote himself another winner.

  • sweetbiscuit says:

    "And like, even if I hadn't gotten the script off the internet, I wouldn't have wanted to, like, audition for Robert Downey Jr.'s approval anyway, even if they had asked me. Like, whatev."

  • sixhundred says:

    crazy christians.

  • Girl86 says:

    Really? Harvey? I would have guessed the next Twilight movie, which is bound to have as little actual dialogue as possible but ill still be referred to as "amazing" because of the number of times it has the vampire and the werewolf getting shirtless.

  • Lowbrow says:

    So The Twilight Saga: Eclipse's David Slade is a better guess as being "the most famous director ever" as opposed to Harvey's Steven Spielberg?
    Maybe rethink that one.

  • Champoozie says:

    I have a hard time trusting the opinion of anyone who uses the word "like" in every freaking sentence. Like, you know?

  • cbebop007 says:

    Wow, "Harvey" is the very first thing I thought of too.

  • It must've been BALLS OUT, right?

  • Satria says:

    Sounds like the Will Smith/Spielberg remake of Oldboy (which is a bad, bad idea). More an Indie type of film (if it hadn't those people attached to it) there's probably enough material in there to scare away a squeamish gal.

  • DarkKnightShyamalan says:

    I bet it was "The City That Sailed."

  • The Winchester says:

    Perhaps we're thinking too narrow. By "a humongous famous actor and, like, the most famous director ever" she could be referring to a Bollywood production. Thus her frustration could revolve around the musical numbers.