New Moon Cultists Storm the Barricades Early at Comic-Con
As noted here yesterday, Movieline's fearless Seth Abramovitch and Kyle Buchanan are en route to San Diego for this year's Comic-Con. But guess who beat them (and pretty much everyone else, apparently) to the geek confab?
A Movieline reader (and fellow Comic-Con early bird) snapped a few shots of the New Moon contingent piling up outside the convention halls in San Diego, where they've been camping out in anticipation of this weekend's appearances by Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner and early footage from the passionately awaited Twilight sequel. The reader expressed concern over the frenzy, which is said to compromise hopeful attendees of the Tron panel scheduled adjacent to New Moon, but it seems like that might be a secondary problem to the fierce aroma of hormones and 90-plus-degree B.O. threatening to overtake the early going. If anyone happens to have photos of the civil war sure to ensue in a few hours as proceedings get underway, please do pass those along as well. History calls.
Good Christ, I swear we are reliving the late 70's all over again. Replace Obama for Carter, Twilight for Star Wars, and Lady GaGa for Disco, and pretty much everything else falls into place. Including the part where I'm not getting laid.
Bonus points for spotting Brilliant Orange in the above pics (because you know he's in one of those lines.
I only hope that Tron guy and a few of his friends are somewhere in that line, ready to defend their honor by hurling those lazer Frisbees at the Twilight noobs.
Those aren't Twilight fans -- those are Robert Pattinson fans.
To the girl in the red tank top: Soda is not your friend. And I don't care if it happens to be diet or zero either.