
WATCH: James Franco Drops New Art Video For Justin Bieber's 'Boyfriend'

Polyglot actor-cum-performance artist James Franco has struck again, releasing yet another of his multitudinous side art projects unto the world for dissection and intense theoretical analysis, and — nah, just kidding! Here's a video of Franco lip-synching to Justin Bieber's "Boyfriend" in full Biebs gear, mop top and pubescent cherub-grin and all, as he and Spring Breakers co-star Ashley Benson writhe around in a brunette wig like they're in the world's worst American Apparel ad.

Is Franco just a huge Belieber? Is he confronting mass media's sexualization of youth by turning JB's pick-up jam into a seedy softcore home video? What does fellow Spring Breaker Selena Gomez think?!

Franco nails the whisper-rap and all, but personally I like his Riff Raff impersonation better. Fingers crossed that for every weirdo soap opera appearance and Three's Company installation piece and college professorship and Oscar hosting fiasco and meta mixed media performance art project he unleashes into the ether he does another one of these pop impersonations because it proves that stars really are like us: Secretly obsessed with Justin Bieber. (Swaggy.)

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