
WATCH: 'Captain Planet 2' — Don Cheadle Is Back, And He's Mad With Green Power

While the makers of the forthcoming live-action Captain Planet movie piece together the remnants of your childhood, the folks at Funny or Die are owning the Planeteer game with yet another video featuring Don Cheadle as the terrifying enviro-hero gone mad with green power.

Since we last saw him shooting magical nature lasers out of his junk, Captain Planet has turned all of the Planeteers into trees save for poor Ma-Ti (Efren Ramirez), who now lives a life of indentured servitude to the Captain as the blue-skinned superbeing continues his quest to replace the humans of Earth with plants and bunny rabbits.

At this rate when the actual official Captain Planet movie comes along I'll never be able to take it seriously. How many internet views do we need to make Cartoon Network and the guys who made Transformers cast Cheadle and go full Planet Terror?

[Funny or Die]

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