
Drive Fan-Made Animated Trailer: Facestomping for Kids!

Drive fanaticism is still in (groan) overdrive. The team of Bruno et Tom have created an alternative trailer for Drive featuring The Driver's silver scorpion jacket, well-lit stoicism, and a bit of musical mimicry. He's an animated hero! And an animated human being! Coming soon to the Fox Kids lineup. Check all out the cartoon facestomping after the jump.

Yes, it may not be the most Oscar-friendly fan favorite of this year's films, but Drive's iconography is pretty unmistakable at this point. I can't say that about any other film of this year, and I don't even like Drive better than Coriolanus, Margin Call, Martha Marcy May Marlene, or Young Adult. Fact is, Drive's resonance is already outlasting these other markedly better, less pretentious films, and for that it deserves more recognition -- or at least more cute, fan-made animated trailers. Where is the Muppets parody of Fozzie facestomping Rowlf? Anyone?

Animated Alternative Trailer for 'Drive' [Bleeding Cool]