
Has Banksy Tapped Keyboard Cat for His Gonzo Oscar Campaign?

After a hotly contested debate over whether or not this recent Banksy-themed Oscar mural came from Banksy himself or his Exit Through the Gift Shop subject/protégé Mr. Brainwash -- that is, if they aren't the very same person (duh-duh-duhhhhn) -- comes more evidence that the mysterious Banksy is really just some sort of mad viral marketing genius. Behold: The feline street art expose Exit Through the Pet Shop!

Follow the link at the end of Exit Through the Pet Shop and you'll find yourself watching a bizarre live stream cam inside a gallery space peppered with derivative Keyboard Cat pop art in the vein of Mr. Brainwash. (Price list available via email, natch.) Is this "the world's first 24 hour experience," whatever that means? On the surface, it all appears to be the brainchild of a performance artist/professional "nose dancer" named Charlie Schmidt, the originator of internet meme Keyboard Cat. Yes, that viral ditty you LOLed at, then got sick of, two years ago. But if we learned anything from watching Exit Through the Gift Shop, it's that we shouldn't take anything at face value when Banksy is involved.

And so, marinate on this: If we're willing to allow that Banksy could really be MBW and Thierry Guetta just his pawn, isn't it possible that Keyboard Cat is really Banksy in disguise?