
Latest Moon Oscar Appeal: Do it For the Children

The cheeky, do-it-yourself awards-campaign engineers behind Moon have come up with their latest strategem in the long war to earn Sam Rockwell an Oscar nomination. And as with all overearnest TV appeals involving the humanitarian aid of disadvantaged children, it's kind of hilarious. But! Is it persuasive?

Only time will tell, but at least director Duncan Jones (who cameos here, see if you can spot him) is getting his outraged money's worth against the piracy-averse (read: cheap) suits at Sony. And as a devotee of the film and Rockwell's performance, I am more than happy to pass his and his colleagues' heartrending plea on to you. Please make a difference by wasting a couple minutes of your work day; this cause is worth it.

ยท Sam Rockwell Oscar Appeal - with Brick Hardmeat [YouTube]