
Evan Rachel Wood Tells Us About Her True Blood Lesbian Vampire Queen

As promised, Movieline hit up the Young Hollywood Awards last night, a ceremony dedicated to honoring Tinseltown's best and brightest (and youngest!). We witnessed heartfelt acceptance speeches and a knockout performance by Naturi Naughton from the upcoming Fame remake before moving on to a DJ AM-spun afterparty that Young Hollywood Artist of the Year Adam Lambert prefaced with, "I hope somebody buys me a drink." No need, Adam -- they were free!

First up in our series of red carpet video interviews from the event is Evan Rachel Wood, who was receiving the Young Hollywood Superstar award (presented by Patricia Clarkson) but took the time to talk to Movieline about her splashy season two performance as the vampire queen of True Blood, a role she'd been unable to discuss until now.

Find out about her take on the character and her impending lesbian love interest in the video below:

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