
X Ex: Jean Grey Makes Cameo In Six-Second 'Tweaser' For 'The Wolverine'

The trailer for The Wolverine doesn't hit until Wednesday, but director James Mangold has released a six-second tweaser trailer via his Twitter account that crams a lot into its extremely brief run time, including plenty toothy grimacing from Hugh Jackman and a glimpse of the adamantium-clawed antihero's unrequited love Jean Grey (Famke Janssen), who died in X2, was reborn as the Phoenix and was willingly killed by Wolverine at the end of X-Men: The Last Stand.

By the way, if you freeze the scene — which you can do by clicking on the frame — Wolvie and Jean appear to be in the midst sort of gauzy romantic moment, which could mean it's merely a flashback as opposed to Grey's return from the grave. Check it out and tell me what you think, Bub?

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