
WATCH: Love Is Torture −Jimmy Kimmel Re-Cuts 'Zero Dark Thirty' Trailer For The Rom-Com Crowd

Where was Jimmy Kimmel before the Oscars? Kathryn Bigelow could have used him.  On Wednesday night, the late-night talk-show host gave a comic lesson in marketing when he showed this trailer for the  March 19 DVD release of  Zero Dark Thirty that re-positions the movie as a romantic comedy instead of a pro-torture CIA procedural. All it takes is a little voiceover magic and some creative editing to depict Jessica Chastain as a workaholic in search of "the man of her dreams."

Pretty, pretty funny, as is the movie's new title, Zero Dark Flirty, and tagline: "Sometimes it's good to be a little bit Abbottabad."  For those who limited their consumption of Oscar-nominated based-on-a-real-story CIA thrillers to Argo, that's the name of the town in Pakistan where Osama bin Laden's compound was located.

Speaking of Kimmel, he should be the next host of the Oscars. Hollywood loves him, and he's got the perfect tone for the evening. In fact, Seth MacFarlane left me with the impression that he was trying to be Kimmel on Sunday night.  What do you think?

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