
WATCH: Shticky Red Band Trailer For Vince Offer's 'InAPPropriate Comedy' Is All Sham & No Wow

I realize that with a little notoriety and a lot of money, it's fairly easy to get a film made and distributed. But even knowing that, it's still incredibly baffling to see the red band trailer for InAPPropriate Comedy and realize this is an actual movie that will play in theaters. Directed by Vince 'Slap Chop' Offer, it's The Kentucky Fried Movie meets the Charlie Sheen celebrity roast, and it looks every bit as terrible as his earlier Underground Comedy Movie. Only with the added discomfort of seeing Lindsay Lohan sully the last shreds of her reputation for what must surely have been a miniscule paycheck.

Have a look:

WATCH IT ON YOUTUBE: InAPPropriate Comedy Red Band Trailer #1

Considering Offer's previous law-enforcement troubles involving a prostitute,  it's no wonder he was able to get a bunch of actors to whore themselves, but even so, it's embarrassing to see Master of Style Adrien Brody debasing his career shilling razors to appear in this dreck. (Insert ShamWow or Schticky joke here.)

The worst thing about this isn't the constant barrage of racist and sexist 'jokes' or hackneyed references, it's how friggin' tame this thing looks. Titling this movie 'InAPPropriate Comedy' is kind of like how authoritarian dictatorships always insist that their countries be called 'People's Democratic Republics'. The only thing Asians will be offended by is how lazy the jokes about their eyes are.

The good news is that no matter how bad it is, we'll always have the Slap Chop song. So let's watch that and remember a time when Vince could amuse us on an 11th grade level, instead of a 3rd grade level.

Ross Lincoln is a LA-based freelance writer from Oklahoma with an unhealthy obsession with comics, movies, video games, ancient history, Gore Vidal, and wine.

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