
What Did I Miss?

Hello! Remember me? Oh. Well, anyway, the world's longest coffee break has ended, and as I nestle back into my Movieline work station, I hope you don't mind me asking: What did I miss?

No, really: What did I miss? Let's talk about the last 38 days in movie culture, assuming "movie culture" still exists and isn't off playing golf with a typewriter and a couple eight-track tapes in some Scottsdale retirement community. For the record, this is not an invitation to fill me in on the details of Tom Cruise's "divorce" or Lindsay Lohan's latest bout of "exhaustion," but rather a helpful space where we can all discuss the good stuff that's worth catching up with. Assume June in particular didn't even happen for me and that I'm not going to see The Amazing Spider-Man no matter how highly anyone recommends it.

What else is there? I mean, 4-D movie theaters? Already? It's like another world out there.