
Lindsay Lohan's Liz Taylor Finds Her Dick Burton... in Bon Temps

Grant Bowler - Liz and DickFor as long as this Lindsay Lohan-starring Liz & Dick has been swirling around in the ether, it's been difficult to nail down exactly what sort of project it might turn out to be; it is a Lifetime movie, after all, even if it's one concerned with the Hollywood glamor surrounding Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton and their legendary, tempestuous romance. So the caliber of Lohan's co-star, it seemed, might give us a better idea of what to expect. And it looks like LiLo and Lifetime have finally found their Dick, all the way from the steamy climes of Bon Temps, Louisiana.

According to E! News, New Zealand actor Grant Bowler — popularly known as Cooter from True Blood — has landed the role of Burton to Lohan's Taylor. Producer Larry Thompson spoke with E! about casting Bowler:

"We had seen him [Bowler] on tape and liked him but wanted to confirm the chemistry between the two. But this morning we had Lindsay and Grant come into a room at Lifetime and the chemistry exploded. It was just Fourth of July firecrackers going off in the room. We knew from the chemistry that Liz and Dick live again."

Because there's no better way to sell a made-for-TV movie starring a troubled starlet and a TV actor than with salacious details, Thompson continued.

"Chemistry means movie magic for sex. This movie will definitely have as much sex as Lifetime will allow."

But wait! Tell us about the chemistry read, Larry!

"They read three separate scenes from the movie. Their chairs were initially a bit apart but each scene they brought chairs closer. Arms brushed together. The scene didn't require kissing."

Now I feel gross. Maybe some curtains aren't meant to be peeled back. But hey, more power to the new Liz & Dick. Filming is set to begin June 4.

Meanwhile, previously in the Liz & Dick casting saga:

[via E! News]