
Moonrise Kingdom Cast Gathers For Frowny 'Vintage Team Photo'

You've seen the trailer. You've parsed the poster. Now study in the stern countenances awaiting you in Moonrise Kingdom, Wes Anderson's Cannes-opening reverie for which a new "vintage team photo" is making the rounds.

To my knowledge, this is the first and probably only time we'll get Anderson's ensemble — including Bill Murray, Bruce Willis, Frances McDormand, Edward Norton and the young campers of New Penzance Island — in one place before the film hits theaters next month. Except for Tilda Swinton, I guess; "Social Services" just gets a picture frame. And Snoopy R.I.P.? Nooo!

Whatever. It's better Photoshop than this.

[Click for bigger; via Focus Features]

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