
Pregnant or Lesbian? Watch Bérénice Bejo Ask the Tough Questions in 1997 Short Film

Today, of course, we know Bérénice Bejo as The Artist's irrepressible movie sensation Peppy Miller and as a contender for this year's Best Supporting Actress Oscar. But back in 1997, she was just another young actress paying her dues in France. Which apparently led to... this.

David Poland points us today to the short film Enceinte Ou Lesbienne?, featuring Bejo as a daughter who tests her family's domestic idyll with that tough question perennially on every young lady's lips: Pregnant or lesbian? It's your typical early-career case of everyone involved doing the best they can with what they have; Bejo's fine. But as a coming-out method, I can't say I'd recommend it? But you tell me.

[via The Hot Blog]