
Finally, Transformers, Grease and Wings Share a Parade Float

This year represents Paramount's 100th anniversary, an occasion commemorated with traditional splendor and aplomb at Monday's Tournament of Roses Parade in Pasadena. There, the 'Mount wheeled out a float you kind of have to see to believe -- a bright, broad floral mash-up marrying the studio stablemates Wings, Transformers, Grease and Star Trek, all surrounding the classic Paramount arch. Thoughts?

Beyond digging the totally intuitive movie grouping, I just have a few things:

· What? No Elephant Man?
· All kidding aside, no Godfather?
· I can't prove this, but I'm pretty certain that the commentary by Bob Eubanks and Stephanie Edwards is modeled after the bickering airport-P.A. couple ("Don't you tell me which zone is for loading, and which zone is for stopping!" "Listen Betty, don't start up with your white zone shit again") in the Paramount masterpiece Airplane! Things get really good when Eubanks drops the trivia about his stunt-driver son.
· What the parade truly needs is the USC Trojan marching band running from a huge boulder surfaced with gray roses, Raiders of the Lost Ark-style. File under missed opportunities.


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