
Talkback: Can Drive Win Oscar Nods... In Any Category?

drive_gosling300.jpgFor some moviegoers, Nicolas Winding Refn's Drive was the movie of 2011 (ditto that soundtrack). Nevertheless, over at Nerve, Jett Wells echoes the sad realization of many a Drive-loving Oscar-watcher: Academy Award nominations are about as unlikely for the stylish crime pic as a clean getaway is for Ryan Gosling's boyish, near-mute anti-hero.

Wells cites arguments that have floated around the Oscarsphere since Drive debuted this summer with its hipster flair, violent streak, and that fancypants pink font, including its too-modest box office, young-ish slant, and lack of "Hollywood moments:"

Though it's deeply indebted to Hollywood genre traditions, Drive lacks many of the standard beats of today's blockbusters. I'm referring to those Steven Spielberg moments: a crying grandfather, a twenty-foot shark explosion, a grandiose score, a big, obvious emotional payoff. These sentimental elements aren't totally absent from Drive, but Refn is more subversive about introducing them, doing so subtly and in layers. But what endeared him to critics will probably hurt him come February -- Academy voters are suckers for tearjerkers.

I'd argue that the elevator scene, awash in surreal romanticism -- and yes, head-stomping -- is as indelible a movie moment as any this year. But Wells is right; Oscar chatter these days is all War Horse, War Horse, Descendants, The Artist, War Horse.

As for a supporting nod for Albert Brooks? Sure, it's possible. And his Bernie Rose is a terrifically terrifying surprise turn, but it's still a long shot. (See S.T. VanAirsdale's latest Oscar Index for deeper awards season analysis.) I wish Refn could edge his way into the directing race, but technical nominations seem more likely.

So please chime in, dear reader -- which Oscar categories could Drive conceivably compete in, for reals?

Five Reasons Drive Won't Do Well At the Oscars [Nerve]