
WATCH: Lady Gaga Meets Jack Skellington in The Nightmare Before Gagaween

The pop culture parodists at The Hillywood Show bring it with the Halloween movie-music mash-up of the season. Put your paws up and watch as they envision The Nightmare Before Christmas, only with Lady Gaga in place of Jack Skellington. The Monster Queen of Halloweentown! Somehow it's not much of a stretch. Bonus: It'll give you a plethora of Gaga Halloween costume ideas (sans the meat dress, which might be a bit tricky to pull off). More in your Thursday Buzz Break!

[via Buzzfeed]

• Because video game movies have proven to be so excellent and profitable thus far, Sony is developing a feature film based on the vid game Assassin's Creed. [Variety]

• Imagine, if you will, the young hero of Attack the Block could find himself in a potential sequel to this summer's cult hit. "John [Boyega]'s idea is that there's another wave of aliens that come down, much bigger aliens, and in much greater numbers," speculates director Joe Cornish, "and he has this image of Moses on the back of a police horse wielding a samurai sword and leading this army across the Westminster Bridge near the Houses of Parliament, kids on bikes and mopeds all massed behind him, all coming from South London to Central London to come and battle these aliens in the center of the city." No official sequel plans have been made, but it's a fun idea. [HitFix]

• "Scorsese was part of that generation that began immediately after Cassavetes and the French New Wave demonstrated that films could be made outside the studio system. They wanted to make the Great American Movie; too soon were joined by a generation that wanted to make the Great Weekend Hit." Read a Scorsese-themed excerpt from Roger Ebert's memoir over at IndieWire. [IndieWire]

• The legacy of 2008's Be Kind Rewind lives on! Through "sweding," or the art of making homemade recreations of your favorite movies. Watch as a bunch of nerds and a girl swede the recent Avengers trailer. [DumbDrum]