When asked what kind of injury his character, Hansel, would incur in the sequel, Wilson revealed, "Think Vanilla Sky." In celebration of this clue, let's take a moment to brainstorm some possible accidents and injuries that could affect the top fashion model. I'll start out with a few suggestions...
· Hansel's jealous ex (played by Cameron Diaz) tries to kill herself and Hansel in a car crash upon hearing about his new lover. Hansel escapes with disfiguring facial injuries.
· Tom Cruise (played by Tom Cruise) challenges Hansel to a walk-off that goes horrible wrong when Hansel falls off the runway and is maimed. In the face.
· Anticipating the onset of old age, Hansel attempts to have his face cryogenically frozen only to incur irreparable cryo-frostbite.
Earlier this year, Stiller described the Zoolander sequel that he hoped to make a decade later:
"It's ten years later and most of it is set in Europe... it's basically Derek and Hansel... though the last movie ended on a happy note a lot of things have happened in the meantime. Their lives have changed and they're not really relevant anymore. It's a new world for them. Will Ferrell is written into the script and he's expressed interest in doing it. I think Mugatu is an integral part of the Zoolander story, so yes, he features in a big way."
Submit your best guesses about Hansel's fate below! More Zoolander 2 (or Two-lander) developments as they come...
· 'Zoolander 2' Will Disfigure Hansel, Owen Wilson Teases [MTV]