
Evangeline Lilly Drops Hobbit Hints, Inspires Nerd Boners While Speaking Elvish

At last night's premiere of Real Steel, co-star Evangeline Lilly -- fresh from shooting The Hobbit in New Zealand, ZOMG -- caught up with Access Hollywood for an unusually geeky Access Hollywood chat, during which she dropped a few lines in Elvish. So hot, right LOTRers? See if you can devise plot hints from the Elf-speak dialogue she trilled, after the jump.

Something something "Come now!" And something something "The cells are empty!" Good luck figuring it all out, Middle Earthers.

My favorite moment comes at the beginning of the chat when Lilly drops some real talk, admitting that with all of the prep crews helping her on set she has no excuse for messing up her Hobbit performance as Tauriel, a woodland elf. If only all actors were so self-aware!

And then, the ultimate question: "Are you scared of the fans of this?" Because you should be! My preeeee-cious...

Oh wait, my bad. The question was, "Are you scared of the fans of this... because they are such rabid fans?" Same difference, I guess. And Evangeline is rightfully scared.

"My character is actually not in [J.R.R. Tolkien's novel] The Hobbit," she explains. "My character is an invention of Peter Jackson, Fran Walsh, and Phillippa Boyd, so either fans are going to love her or absolutely despise and be bitter towards her because she's not authentic."

Aaaaand then Access Hollywood's on-air interviewer brings it back to LOST, offering the theory that fans of the television series are also huge Tolkien nerds and therefore will forgive Lilly for perverting the legacy of their literary icon. Hmm. Sure?

Evangeline Lilly Dishes On Filming 'The Hobbit' [Access Hollywood]