
VIDEO: Dominic Monaghan Karaoke Raps 'Ice Ice Baby'

Because there's a chance fellow Hobbit Elijah Wood is going to cream him in the boxing ring tonight, let's take a moment to give props to Fantastic Fest guest Dominic Monaghan, who threw down some Vanilla Ice in yesterday's karaoke rap contest. With his A's cap pulled down low (Moneyball shout out!), Monaghan showed the room that this was clearly not his first time spitting lyrics like, "If there was a problem/Yo I'll solve it/Check out the hook while my DJ revolves it." At least it wasn't "You All Everybody!"

Monaghan, who stars in the Fantastic Fest entry The Day, is also set to debate and then fight Wood in the ring tonight during the Fantastic Debates, where founder Tim League will box the bare knuckle boxing champ-star of the documentary Knuckle.

Also worth watching from last night's battle is Eugenio Mira, director of 2010's Agnosia -- who also stars in Rodrigo Cortes's Red Lights as a young Robert De Niro -- who performed a Star Wars-themed rap:

Since it's Fantastic Fest, there's more celeb-filled karaoke to be had in the coming week. Stay tuned to Movieline's coverage here and on Twitter. Word to your mother.