
VIDEO: David Lynch Distills Debt-Ceiling Saga to 51 Seconds

So there's good news and bad news about what David Lynch has been up to since directing that Duran Duran concert video last spring. Bad news first: It's not a new feature! (At least not beyond the development phase, anyway.) The good news: It is a new short! Kind of.

To "direct" something implies more to me than weighing in on the sad state of current affairs with a still shot of the United States Capitol and some sound effects, but the gesture is there, and regardless of where you fall on the ideological spectrum, HOW THINGS HAVE BEEN GOING will likely speak to your thoughts about the recent debt-ceiling crisis in Washington. Has Lynch ever before offered something so overtly political? Or is this actually post-political -- a means of saying, "The system isn't broken, it's finished, who's up for a song?" The mind reels.

[Criterion Corner via @akstanwyck]

HOW THINGS HAVE BEEN GOING from David Lynch on Vimeo.