
Today in Less-Distinguished Anniversaries: Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey Turns 20

Just as not every news story this morning can breathlessly follow the Murdoch/Brooks hearings presently overtaking Parliament, not every movie anniversary of note this year can carry the same weight as Aliens or Ferris Bueller's Day Off. Hence the slow-news-day milestone you've been waiting for (or... not): Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey turns 20 today. Feel old yet?

I do not have nearly the same fondness for this as yesterday's masterpiece, which is to say: I don't even remember seeing this sequel to the Keanu Reeves and Alex Winter's surprise 1989 hit Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure. I'm sure I did, though even another glimpse at the trailer jogs my memory only insofar as knowing I've seen... the trailer.

A few thoughts:

· Oh my God, it's Conrad Hilton in hell!

· I doubt American popular culture was clamoring for prolonged Ingmar Bergman homages in their would-be summer blockbusters in 1991.

· Bill Sadler does make an inspired Death.

· I really miss Don LaFontaine sometimes.

Anyway, this is happening. React accordingly?