
Ghost: The Musical Preview: You in Danger, Legit Theater!

Ghost is one of the few movies that is watchable, unwatchable, Oscar-worthy, amateur, funny, lame, dramatic, and melodramatic. I mean, is it good? I feel the same away about Ghost that I do about Demi Moore's overalls in Ghost. How... hot? My mind is a Mobius Strip turning in Oda Mae Brown's crystal ball. Anyway, the movie has been adapted into a musical at London's Piccadilly Theatre, and my thoughts are decidedly more final. Watch the preview!

Pretty awesome. The subway scene's barrage of lights and blinks is particularly genius, and I like every actor's sustained chutzpah. The biggest problem the movie had is self-seriousness, so the whimsy and whizzbang are refreshing here. Now, I'd hate to be a blasphemer, but the new Sam Wheat is about three times as hot as Patrick Swayze. I mean, the truth is there, half-naked and kneeling, like Gandhi said. This new guy hasn't starred in Road House, however, so we can't be sure he is a phenomenal human being.

Verdict: Unchained melodiousness!