You'll note that the new trailer for The Help calls Kathryn Stockett's source material a "sensational bestseller." That may be, but not much else is screaming "sensation" here: Viola Davis's one-note dignity, Bryce Dallas Howard's adversarial prissiness, and Emma Stone's smiley do-gooder shtick aren't providing much in the way of originiality. But maybe I'm just cynical; check out the new international trailer and let's hash this out.
I continue to have high hopes for Octavia Spencer, since her role was apparently written for her, but I just can't see this being anything but predictable -- though I suspect Bryce Dallas Howard is a pretty cool person in what us bloggers call "real life." That's just one of my suspicions. It would be weird if she were stuck up, right? I bet Ron ran a tight ship at Howard Manor. Anyway. Tell me: Are you more excited for this than I am?
The Help opens August 12.
[via Empire]