You know how some mornings you wake up and go to work and browse the Web and wonder what you ever did to deserve the psychic flogging colloquially referred to as "popular culture"? And then some mornings you do it all over again despite thinking you simply can't put yourself through another... freaking... pace... of... any of it? And then there's that one rare morning when the dawn is just the right hue, the coffee is just the right flavor, and the culture gods you thought long dead or absentee at best actually signal their interest in satisfying you, if even for only five and a half minutes and preceded by a 30-second ad? This is that morning.
That's really all there is to say about Werner Herzog's appearance on Monday's edition of The Colbert Report, wherein the filmmaker spoke of the artwork, mythology, and radioactive albino crocodiles populating his splendid 3-D documentary Cave of Forgotten Dreams. This is the anti-Weiner we all need right about now.