
Watch An Unnecessary X-Men: First Class Insurance Commercial

Another day, another adventure in marketing from the folks at Twentieth Century Fox, who are tirelessly pushing the upcoming X-Men: First Class to the point of oversaturating the audience. The latest promotional tool? An odd Farmers Insurance ad which features Professor J.K. Simmons (who, to be clear, is not in First Class) welcoming exchange student Beast to Farmers University. Check it out ahead.

This TV ad comes after weeks of X-Men plugs including (but not limited to) stills of January Jones in a bra, shapeshifting teaser clips, mutant meet-cutes, TV spots, character trailers, slightly different international trailers and good old-fashioned posters. Maybe an insurance commercial featuring Beast and a mention of "Taco Tuesdays" was just the natural progression?

[via Superhero Hype]