
Watch Ryan Gosling and Carey Mulligan Meet-Cute in New Clip from Drive

While the first clip from Drive highlighted the tension-filled, Michael Mann-y dark nights of your average getaway driver, the newest clip from the Ryan Gosling-led thriller has more heartfelt pursuits. Like how the characters played by Gosling and pixie-cut Carey Mulligan first meet. Would you believe with some tire banter and smoldering looks? Since the film is called Drive, probably.

That's Bryan Cranston in the beginning of the clip, facilitating this meeting of adorable movie stars. First question: Could Gosling -- with his dusty blond hair and blue eyes -- look any more like a young Robert Redford here? Second question: Did Refn watch (500) Days of Summer a few times before shooting that sun-drenched, music-driven drive to romance?

Feel free to answer these rhetorical queries in the comments section below. Drive -- which really does look great -- hits theaters on Sept. 16; it debuts at the Cannes Film Festival later this week

ยท Brand New Clip and Pics from 'Drive' Featuring Gosling, Mulligan and Cranston [Rope of Silicon]