
See New Pics from the Straight-to-DVD Tekken Movie You Didn't Know Existed

Did you know that all movies based on video games are five-star landmarks of cinema? I did the research and it's true. No use double-checking my work: Double Dragon, Resident Evil, Super Mario Bros. (Happy birthday, Samantha Mathis!), Mortal Kombat, Mortal Kombat: Annihilation, Mortal Kombat: Back in the Habit, and the coup de grace, Street Fighter all qualify as gems. Another one is about to join their company: the completely ignored Tekken film. Let's observe this fresh nugget of DVD-bound Namco gold!

Here are all the familiar characters in action. Looks about right. Anna and Nina should refer to themselves as "the original Williams sisters" and conduct a photoshoot where they kick ass on a clay court.

Tekken arrives on DVD and Blu-Ray July 19.

'Tekken' Movie Coming to DVD [Cinema Blend]