
John C. Reilly Befriends Misfit Teen in the Charming Terri Trailer

Azazel Jacobs' Terri earned a warm reception at Sundance, where critics acknowledged its indie movie-conventional, vaguely Rushmore-like set-up -- lovable loser strikes up unexpected friendship with authority figure, cue twee soundtrack -- but embraced its unique charms. Now a lovely little trailer has hit the web. After the jump, watch John C. Reilly and newcomer Jacob Wysocki slog through life's great struggle together and just try not to smile.

In Jacobs' film, Terri (Wysocki) is an obese teen who lives with his ailing uncle (Creed Batton) and wears pajamas to school. Withdrawn from his studies and from his fellow classmates, Terri finds a kindred spirit in his well-meaning principal (Reilly).

Reilly's a fitting choice as the grown-up who cares enough to get involved with his misfit charges, and the trailer conveys a real sense of sweetness and empathy between him and Wysocki. It could do without the bordering-on-precious plunking ukulele strumming, but all in all the trailer below leaves a lingering, bittersweet glow. "Life's a mess, but we're all doing the best we can." Indeed.

Verdict: Whose inner freak and/or geek can resist? Sold.