
Could Leaked Sex Photos Suddenly Make Breaking Dawn More Appealing to Non-Twilight Fans?

Believe it or not, there is still a subset of moviegoers who have no interest in seeing anything Twilight-related. These audience members stayed strong in spite of societal pressure to see sequels New Moon and Eclipse, suffocating media coverage of its stars' real-life romance and even the intriguing revelation that Pattinson will deliver a baby with his own teeth in a future installment. But can the strongest Twilight hater resist Bill Condon's Breaking Dawn after seeing the sexy leaked photos of Bella and Edward consummating their illicit relationship, one thrust at a time?

Sorry to be graphic here but that is actually what is happening in a batch of stills leaked today, which Movieline had the pleasure of poring over (for journalistic research, naturally), before Summit yanked them from websites. In one, Edward gazes deeply into Bella's eyes as they "make love" (or whatever the kids are calling it these days) in buttery lighting. But the still does not look like something you'd expect from a franchise that has been called "abstinence porn." Headboards are gripped, legs are pulled back, expert (or at least advanced beginner) sex is definitely being had.

In another leaked still, Bella and Edward lounge post-coitus with Bella's wedding ring in plain view. In spite of these images, Breaking Dawn is still expected to be rated PG-13 -- even though Robert Pattinson considers it more deserving of an "R" rating. (Movieline has confirmed the legitimacy of the leaked photos with Summit Entertainment, who also noted that Breaking Dawn is still being filmed.)

[UPDATE: The leak included a whopping amount of images from the infamous Breaking Dawn honeymoon scene, including the two stills described above. Also leaked: pics of Bella straddling Edward, Bella and Edward in various states of undress, the ravaged honeymoon suite on the morning after, and shots from the equally infamous bloody childbirth scene. Images posted on various websites and blogs have since been taken down in response to studio request.]

So what say you, Twilight-wary readers? Does the promise of actual sexy sex in the teen-oriented franchise pique your interest with the promise of what director Bill Condon might deliver?

· New Stills From Breaking Dawn Sex Scene [BuzzFeed]