
A Movieline Investigation: Is Matthew McConaughey Really Shirtless in Every Movie?

Conventional wisdom likes to assume that Matthew McConaughey has taken his shirt off in every single one of his movies, which would lead us to assume that he does so again in his new film, The Lincoln Lawyer. True, McConaughey is not shy when it comes to going bare chested on-screen and in public, but is he really sans shirt in every one of his movies? Well, we checked each and every one of them.

Starting with McConaughey's breakout role in A Time to Kill (before that, he didn't really have enough screen-time to warrant a bare chest -- sorry Wooderson fans), we went through each of Matthew McConaughey's 22 major motion pictures to date make a definitive list once and for all.

Is McConaughey bare chested in every movie? If not, in what percentage of films does he appear without a shirt? And what are the rough odds that he'll be shirtless in The Lincoln Lawyer? Click through to the gallery to find out.

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