
The Return of the Moonwalker: The German Michael Jackson Zombie Clown Movie You've Been Waiting For

Do you ever have that recurring nightmare where midgets and German circus folk take commands from talking toilets and wear Hitler masks and cast spells to bring Michael Jackson back from the dead in zombie form? If you didn't before, you will now after watching this trailer for the insane-sounding German flick The Return of the Moonwalker. Happy holiday weekend!

The good folks at Twitchfilm unearthed this cult film in the making, which appears to be an English-language production by Berlin-area performers and filmmakers. There's really no good way to prepare you for what awaits you in The Return of the Moonwalker (visit the official website here), so just dive in knowing you'll see the following potentially disturbing items:

(Viewer beware: it's unrated and features, among other things, sex, blood, clowns, and a rotting, zombified Michael Jackson -- the stuff of nightmares, indeed.)

Verdict: I, for one, cannot wait to take in Moonwalker in its full glory. (Fantastic Fest programmers, are you reading this?) Unfortunately, release details are TBD, so you'll have to make do with the trailer for now.

[Upon further investigation by Movieline, it appears that The Return of the Moonwalker, also known under the title The Cabinet of Dr. Cagliostro, filmed in Berlin last year under directors Mike Maria and Mike Moreau. More pics and info on the film, courtesy of Stilfabrik and the filmmakers, after the jump.]

Co-director Mike Maria spoke with Movieline via email explaining that The Return of Moonwalker, which was partially financed through crowdfinancing, is currently in post and being readied to present to US distributors at the Cannes Film Market. Though banned by YouTube for inappropriate sexual content, the trailer can still be viewed above.

· Sorcery, Gay Midget Sex And An Undead Michael Jackson. Is The World Ready For THE RETURN OF THE MOONWALKER? [Twitch Film]

· The Cabinet of Dr. Cagliostro [Stilfabrik]