
Aussie Newswoman Mocks Co-Anchor's Penis On Air

· Yes, there are problematic issues within this clip from an Australian newscast where anchor Belinda Heggen mocks her co-anchor Mark Aiston's little Aiston. For one, it's sexual harassment. For two, her comic timing could be better. Ultimately, the whole interaction appears planned, but still, cringe with us. [Jezebel]

· Another Oprah lover came forward. How loved can one person be?! [Gawker]

· Apparently Cher is still signed on to play Mother Superior in a Three Stooges movie. [NYMag]

· Yep, Glee surpassed Elvis Presley's record for most singles on the Hot 100 chart. They're all just as influential to the future of rock 'n roll, I'm sure.[Reuters]

· Ashton Kutcher's seeking out someone to be his "VP of pop culture." I think Dennis Kucinich has a shot here. [USA Today]