
New Video Helpfully Reminds Everyone That It's Showtime

· What would your workday be without another mash-up supercut of a bunch of movie characters saying one phrase over and over again? Courtesy of Harry Hanrahan (via Pajiba) comes the "It's showtime!" video. So, yeah: It's showtime. Click ahead to watch, then stick around for more Buzz Break.

[via Pajiba, where you can see a rundown of the films used]

· Get excited! NBC has a new logo -- sans peacock -- and name. Say hello to "NBCUniversal." Just rolls off the tongue, that one. Click through to see. [MediaBistro]

· Kim Cattrall pours some cold water on the idea of Sex and the City 3, telling PopWrap, "I don't know if that will happen." Man, Rex Reed is going to be pissed. [NYP/PopWrap]

· And that's when Katie Couric helped Barry Diller push his Masterati out of the snow. New York, amirite? [Videogum]

· Hugh Jackman isn't hosting the Oscars, but that doesn't mean he can't present one. [Deadline]

· Jon Stewart is joining the 9/11 memorial foundation board in New York. The memorial itself -- twin reflecting pools set above the spot where the Twin Towers fell -- will open on Sept. 11, the 10th anniversary of the attacks. [AP]