
Red Riding Hood Trailer: Who's Afraid of the Big, Bad Gary Oldman?

If you were hoping to catch a glimpse of Amanda Seyfried smiling in the new trailer for Catherine Hardwicke's Twilight-esque ode to red capes on white snow...I'm sorry. According to the new Red Riding Hood trailer, these werewolf love affairs really take their toll. But hey, Gary Oldman is leading the witch hunt party of the century and he's having a hell of a time! Everyone's invited! Even Julie Christie's going to show up for a few minutes! Come on down!

Right. Overall, Hardwick's first directing effort since Twilight still looks a lot like Twilight. But honestly I am kind of down to watch a movie where Oldman just shows up in a carriage and convinces a whole town that one of them is a werewolf, then proceeds to search their houses and expose all of their secrets. It looks like all of that happens here, but you still have to endure the silly teen romance set to a Nine Inch Nails remix as well as the cringe-inducing, straight-faced inclusion of that "What big eyes you have" line of dialogue. In other news, I'm pretty sure that Trent Reznor just made a down payment on a new summer home. High five to Reznor.

Verdict: Pass.

If the trailer gets pulled, head to Apple.