
Even Kirk Cameron Isn't Convinced Dead Arkansas Birds Are a Sign of the Apocalypse

Point of truth: Here at Movieline HQ, we're busy stocking up on batteries and canned goods in the wake of the mass bird and fish deaths that happened in Arkansas over the weekend. (Not to mention the flooding in Australia.) That said, not everyone has worked themselves up into a full blown lather of panic. Just ask born-again Christian Kirk Cameron: "I think it's really kind of silly to kind of equate birds falling out of the sky with some kind of an end-times theory." Wait, even Cameron is making sense? Maybe this really is the end of times.

Appearing with Anderson Cooper on CNN last night, Cameron -- who, unfairly or not, was chosen by Coop as the face of fire and brimstone end-time believers because of his affiliation with the Left Behind series -- discussed the dead birds with a fairly mannered and non-apocalyptic tone.

"Birds falling from the sky? That has more to do with pagan mythology [and not the apocalypse] -- the directions the birds flew told some of the followers of those legends that the gods were either pleased or displeased with them. I think people have a fascination with the religiously mysterious."

Sounds pretty good to me! What doesn't is the stuff at the end about Cameron's newest movie, Monumental, which apparently deals with the pilgrims and "clues" they left for future generations to find the "real treasure of America." The pilgrims were like the aliens in Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull?

[via Videogum]