
Watch A Beautifully Vulgar Takedown Of Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge Of The Sith

Almost exactly a year to the day after unleashing his incendiary jeremiad against The Phantom Menace, the mumbly-voice critic Mr. Plinkett at Red Letter Media has released his third and final long-form critique of the Star Wars prequels. It's a skilled evisceration that's a must-see for anyone who had to suffer through any of George Lucas' post-1996 output. Check out the videos after the jump!

Setting his sights on Revenge of the Sith, Mr. Plinkett gets to the heart of how most of us approached the final chapter: "We all went to go see this movie just to get it over with, like it was an obligation." But in addition to being a choice piece of scorched earth criticism, it also functions as a damn fine instructive video on the intricacies of storytelling and movie-making. Sure, you get your Jar Jar jokes, but you also learn exactly why and how George Lucas muffed up a beloved film trilogy. Like Mr. Plinkett himself says, the video's a bit like an autopsy: "you know it's dead but you gotta do an autopsy to find out what killed it."

It's long, but it's well worth the time for anyone who's interested in the art of film, or really, anyone who likes to hear a good story.