
Stranger than Fiction: The 10 Best James Franco Stories of 2010

It seemed that almost every week of this year brought another head-scratching or mind-blowing story involving James Franco. Thankfully, unlike many rumors that emerged from the wasteland of internet news in 2010, the facts about Franco were always more fascinating than the myths. Actually, there were so many jaw-dropping stories in succession that there wasn't much time to make up rumors. So join Movieline as we look back at the top ten stories involving the quotable, unpredictable actor who somehow managed to keep topping himself through the end of the year.

10. Co-Hosting the Oscars

Might as well get this one out of the way here. News of Franco co-hosting the Oscars with Anne Hathaway was first met with confusion and disbelief, then cautious optimism and speculation about the Generation-Y appeal of the decision. Oh yes, and then a little more confusion. Meanwhile, Franco is still hanging out on the Movieline Oscar Index for his harrowing performance in 127 Hours. Which brings us to...

9. Making People Faint

Movieline kept close tabs on the numerous people who fainted (or almost fainted) during the mountain-side amputation glory of 127 Hours, including one detailed personal account. Sure, part of it was due to the content and to Danny Boyle's filmmaking, but if the Guiness Book of World Records has an section for "Actor Who Has Inspired the Most Fainting," Franco probably has it in the bag. Congratulations!

8. Adventures in Academia

While keeping the entertainment press and the masses on their toes, Franco was also studying at NYU. He said he made good marks in all of his classes except for...acting. Brilliant. Maybe he will have better luck when he heads to Yale. Oh, and for the record, he wasn't required to attend at that one lecture where he fell asleep.

7. Rebel Without a Cause Revisited

Franco optioned to the rights to the biography of Sal Mineo, who played opposite James Dean in Nicholas Ray's Rebel Without a Cause. Franco already played Dean once in the 2001 TV movie, but the first trade announcement said he plans only to potentially write and direct this film. Then it noted that while he doesn't plan to star, that could change. Right. Given his track record, try not to be surprised next year if you read a headline along the lines of: "James Franco to play Sal Mineo and James Dean in New Biopic."

6. General Hospital Revisited

Franco just seemed to get crazier and crazier on his role in the daytime soap opera General Hospital. Then after taking his character arc to its wacky conclusion in front of a live audience, he announced that he'd be back.

5. Franco Keeps the Quotes Coming

While his Twilight review was pretty classic and we all had a chuckle when he admitted to masturbating a lot, nothing topped this sentence from his fictional short story: "I wish I was Mexican, or Hebrew, I mean Jewish, I mean Israeli, or Mexican Jewish, or Mexican Jewish gay, because it can be so boring being you sometimes, and if you were the most special thing like that, it could be really great."

4. Inside the Actor's Studio

Uh oh. A top-seven list within a top-ten list? Well, since it involves Franco learning method acting from prostitutes and selling his own urine, we'll let it slide. Just this once.

3. The Trailer for Your Highness

Okay, most likely Norbit and Yogi Bear are worse than David Gordon Green's stoner-medieval-fantasy movie. But at the same time, I don't think there's ever been such a jaw-dropping, WTF trailer that hit while one of its lead actors was supposed to be campaigning for an Oscar. Actually, make that two leads, since Natalie Portman is in the film, too.

2. The Short Films of Franco

Sadly, we'll have to wait until his return to General Hospital to see the short film he's making with queer performer Kalup Linzy. In the meantime, hold yourself over with his NSFW Queer Basketball film The Feast of Stephen. Oh, what's that? You really like Three's Company? Franco has you covered there too.

BEFORE NUMBER ONE: I'd like to hand out an Honorable Mention for news that, in addition to everything previously mentioned, Franco will also be co-writing, directing and starring in an adaptation of the Movieline Gift Guide-approved novel The Adderall Diaries. Yep, irony. But also excitement, since the book's a knockout. And while we're at it, his 30 Rock appearance was great, as was his Gucci campaign (Or is it Gucky?).

Drumroll, please, for number one!

1. This Photo Shoot