
Darren Aronofsky on Wolverine: 'I'm Being Hired to Do What I Do'

After a week spent climbing back into Oscar contention for Black Swan, the last thing Darren Aronofsky can afford right now is to backslide into the swirling pit of hype and speculation around his big comic-book coming-out party The Wolverine. So, with trademark equanimity and cool, the filmmaker appears in a new video assuring skeptics that not only has he not sold out, but he's just making a movie like any of his others. It just happens to have a mutant hero.

"Every single film I've done so far, I've been the only person in the room who wants to make the movie," he told David Poland. "And I kind of am excited about doing a film where actually everyone wants to make it -- just to see what the experience is like and see if I can do what I do in that world." This is great, encouraging stuff -- even more so if he pulls it off. Fingers crossed...

[via The Hot Blog/MCN]