
Warehouse 13's Relic Roundup: The Super-Archaeologist Tribute

The first part of Warehouse 13's season two finale was pretty artifact-light. That is, unless you count the heavy-handed references to everyone's favorite big-name super archaeologists ... of which there are two. Truly, it was the "Indiana Jones" episode that Allison Scagliotti promised, complete with puzzles, pyramids and Elsa Schneider-is-a-Nazi-after-all-type reveals. Click through for the roundup!

Artifact: Mrs. Frederic's brain real estate

Specifications: While Myka, Pete and H.G. are prancing around Egypt (and H.G. most definitely prances), poor Mrs. Frederic spends the episode trapped in the warehouse getting doctored by Lindsay Wagner. Since Warehouse 2 went back online, her brain can't handle lording over two warehouses at once. (If the Warehouse is under the jurisdiction of the Secret Service, why does it have an Egypt location? These are the questions!)

Covetability: High. Because, once Mrs. Frederic's "connection" to the warehouses fries her brain, Claudia, Lindsay Wagner tells us, has to take her place as caretaker -- a revelation which, all things considered, Claudia takes nicely in stride.

Artifact: H.G. Wells's Laura Croft getup

Specifications: Helena checked. Fashionable British archaeologists are all dressing like everyone's favorite PSX-era action heroine (colloquially, Angelina Jolie). "No," Myka says. "That's how American filmmakers think they're dressing." She smiles after her, a bi-curious glimmer shining in her eyes.

Covetability: High.

Artifact: Benedict Valda

Specifications: Valiantly throwing himself into a fiery, ancient Egyptian booby trap, dear old Valda left the ranks. It's mostly sad because now I have less excuse to continue to reference Romo Lampkin's creepy dead cat.

Covetability: High. I'll miss you, Mark Sheppard, but I'm sure you've got a sizable lineup of nefarious sci-fi roles to fill.

Artifact: Pete's Cracker Barrel peg game skills

Specifications: Aside from a surprising adeptness for reading star charts, Pete's greatest skill is unfailingly winning that dumb peg game -- notably the giant version, which the agents have to solve on their trek through Warehouse 2. So, he's got that going for him.

Covetability: Medium-high. Probably only useful when attempting to win pancakes/keeping booby trapped ceilings from pinning you to the ground.

Artifact: H.G. Wells's loyalty

Specifications: Well, I suppose everyone saw that coming from about seven episodes away, but it was fun while it lasted. Turns out, H.G. orchestrated Warehouse 2's coming back online, which the Warehouse 13 gang discovers just before H.G. shoots Pete and Myka with some sort of proto-Tesla.

Covetability: High. But maybe next season they can debronze Jules Verne or something?

Also, I think it's worth pointing out that compared to Pete and H.G., Myka's safe place -- Artie giving her coffee and patting her on the back -- is really pathetic. Thoughts?