
The Trailer for TLC's Polygamist Series Sister Wives: Yep, This Exists

Call it Big Love with regular people. TLC has unveiled a promo for their sure-to-be controversial polygamy based reality series, Sister Wives, and it's guaranteed to make you long for the simple pleasures of watching Jon and Kate exploit their children and destroy their marriage.

The seven-part series focuses on advertising executive Kody Brown and his three "wives," Meri, Janelle and Christine (Brown gets around the whole "polygamy isn't legal" thing by being officially married to only one of the women). Things are just as normal as can be expected in a "plural family" with thirteen children and a potential fourth wife on the way. As Brown himself told presumably horrified members of the press during the TCA tour this summer, "This is a story that needs to be told." I'm going to respectfully disagree with you there, Kody. Where is Bill Paxton when you need him?

VERDICT: God only knows.