
Watch Josh Hutcherson's Video Audition for Spider-Man

Get Adobe Flash playerWhen Movieline asked Josh Hutcherson about being on the shortlist for Sony's Spider-Man reboot, he was positively bursting with excitement: "[I]t'd be an amazing role, I think. I grew up loving the movies, so we'll see. It'd be an amazing movie to be a part of." Of course Hutcherson lost out on the chance to play Peter Parker when the studio cast Andrew Garfield in the role, but what might a Josh Hutcherson-led Spider-Man looked like? Click ahead to find out.

The fellas at Latino Review unearthed The Kids Are All Right star's audition tape. Or, to put it another way: His sizzle reel to prove to Sony executives that he could handle the physical rigors of being a webslinger. And you know what? He can! Aided by some pretty heady fight choreography from Larnell Stovall (he of the immortal Undisputed 3), Josh-as-Parker slo-mo jumps his way into the clip with vigor. The best part? That he actually looks like a kid -- acne included! It remains to be seen if the 27-year-old Garfield will be able to pull off Peter Parker, but one thing is now clear: Josh Hutcherson clearly can. Maybe next time.

· Exclusive: Josh Hutcherson's 'Spider-Man' Audition Video [Latino Review]

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