
Attention-Starved Taylor Momsen: "My Best Friend Is A Vibrator"

After three seasons of looking like a panda-faced whore, Taylor Momsen and her ratty-ass hair extensions slunk off to the sidelines of Gossip Girl this year. But, guys, guys, she's got, like, a record now, and you will just be shocked, shocked! by her sexy, scandalous non-thoughts.

Speaking to Disorder Magazine, hot mess Momsen declared her that her new album, "is a life record and it confronts issues and goes, here's what f*cking sucks about everything and I don't really know how to fix it but I'm f*cking dying and I'll sing about it."

Taylor! Two quarters to swear jar! But, sensing that perhaps talking about what "f*cking sucks about everything" wasn't escandoloso enough, Taylor saucily decided to talk about her vagina, with the magazine reporting "that she's not into guys, waits a beat, then adds she's not gay but just bored of men and her best friend is her vibrator."

Oh my word! Some one fetch me my smelling salts! A woman, talking about sex? And vibrators! Why, it's so shocking. . .provided this was 1971. Better luck next publicity stunt, Tay-Tay!

ยท Taylor Momsen: My Vibrator's my best friend [ontd]