
5 Auctioned Lost Props You Need -- and 5 You Don't

Lost may be going off the air in a little more than a week, but this summer, you can own a piece of the action. Hollywood memorabilia auctioneer Profiles in History will be auctioning off many of the most major props, costumes and set pieces from the show, and after taking a look at what's on the block, we've found 5 props you may want to bid on -- and 5 that aren't worth the dough.


Charlie's "DS" Ring

If you still miss Claire's beloved "Chah-lie," what better way to pay tribute than by donning the family ring that inspired the name of his band, Drive Shaft? Last we saw, Charlie had left this ring for Claire to find, but instead, Sun picked it up and probably used it in her role-playing sexcapades with Lapidus or something.

Hurley's Winning Mega Lotto Jackpot Ticket

It may not be lucky (those damn numbers!), but there are few props more recognizably iconographic of Lost than Hurley's winning lottery ticket. You'll need this for when Cheech Marin comes calling.

Eko's Signature Staff with Bible Scripture Carvings

Everyone loves Mr. Eko, even if Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje didn't love Hawaii. His early exit meant a swift death for the character, and that makes his "Jesus stick" all the more precious for its comparative rarity.

Sawyer's Letter

Yep, it's the iconic revenge letter that young James Ford wrote at age 8, eventually transforming him into the hardened, nickname-spouting semi-criminal we know and love today. Bonus: a closer look at his unusually precise, pre-teen penmanship!

Jin's Wedding Ring

I know, I know: another ring? But this prop takes on new resonance after Jin and Sun's double drowning, especially the inscription, which reads "We will never be apart" in Korean. Too bad their baby didn't get one of those!


DHARMA Condiment Bottles

If you haven't already made your own versions of these for your season finale parties, then you're really not the type of Lost fan that should be bidding on these props.

Jacob's Paperback Copy of Flannery O'Connor's "Everything That Rises Must Converge"

Buy your own copy from Borders, and ask Mark Pellegrino to put his fingerprints on it at a Lost convention in 2016. Boom, same thing.

Hurley's Set of Prokennex Brand Golf Clubs

As Hurley himself would say, "They're just golf clubs, dude."

Kate's Hero Toy Airplane

We've all tried to forget the flashback from the otherwise assured first season where Kate inexplicably robbed a bank just so she could get a toy airplane out of a safe deposit box, a relic of her childhood so important to her that she probably left it in Sawyer's tent in season three or something. Don't remind yourself.

Nikki and Paolo's Matryoshka Dolls Used to Hold the Stolen Diamonds

Despite the perverse entertainment value that would come from buying something owned by Lost's two most despised characters, do you really need a pair of their Matryoshka dolls? I was about to say, even Lostpedia doesn't have an entry for a set of props that minor, but of course, they do. Just look at that instead.