
Leaked: Lost Season Finale Call Sheet Gives Away Some Spoilers

To give you an idea how potentially nuclear the information on the leaked call sheet for the season finale of Lost is, upon seeing the following link, Movieline senior editor Kyle Buchanan commented: "I've avoided that all weekend. I don't want to knowwwwwwwww." So, yeah, this is pretty serious stuff. Certainly the type of thing that Damon Lindelof, Carlton Cuse and the rest of ABC didn't want to have hit the web. Or, maybe they did want this to see the light of day, since it's all just some red herring produced by the Dharma Initiative in conjunction with Charles Widmore, The Man in Black, Nikki and Paolo. Who's to say? Click ahead ... if you dare.

Still here? Alright, so the leaked call sheet -- spoiler alert! -- reveals that Desmond is actually still alive, and will be through at least the season finale. Though since he was maybe-killed by Sayid last week, that seems fairly predictable; after all,Lost isn't No Country for Old Men, breaking convention and killing major characters off-screen.

More important though is "Scene 158," which states ominously that "Jack is in Hell." And it's described as a cavern. Hmm. Also, that "Hell" is capitalized seems important. Either that or a typo.

You can also expect a scene where Jack and Not John Locke discuss dead John Locke while lowering Desmond down a rope. What does that mean? Check out the sheet below and begun furious speculation.

[via ontd]